What is an Addon domain in cPanel?

In the cPanel control panel, a primary domain is the main website associated with the account, while the addon domains are the additional websites that can be hosted under the same user account as the primary domain. It is known as Addon domain in cPanel.

The primary domain has its dedicated directory on the server where it stores its files. Addon domains have subdirectories within the primary domain’s directory. Each addon domain has different content but shares the same hosting resources as the primary domain.

What changes occur when you create an addon domain?

Three changes occur in your account when you create an Addon domain in cPanel.

  1. The new folder is created in the public_html directory. This folder will be the root directory for your Addon domain’s website files.
  2. A subdomain is created for your primary domain and linked to the new folder. This subdomain acts as an alias for the Addon domain and routes the traffic from the Addon domain to the appropriate folder.
  3. The new domain name is associated with the subdomain, allowing visitors to access the website using either the Addon domain name, the subdomain name, or a combination of both.

For example, if your primary domain is example.com and you add the Addon domain test.com, a folder named test.com will be created in the public_html directory. The subdomain test.example.com will be linked to this folder, and the Addon domain test.com will be associated with the subdomain. This means that all three of the following URLs will access the same website.


It’s worth citing that, from a visitor’s perspective, accessing the website through the Addon domain name (test.com) will not show any evidence of the subdomain routing (test.example.com). Everything appears and functions as if the visitor is accessing a standalone website.

In conclusion, primary domain and addon domains are essential aspects of the cPanel, and understanding the difference between the two is crucial for managing your website. The primary domain and addon domains are related and associated with the same hosting account. However, they are distinct from each other, with separate root directories. It will allow you to host multiple websites within a single hosting account, which is convenient and cost-effective.

Check out our article on how to create an addon domain in cpanel?.

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